
Bio ItemManish Bansal , bio
Associate Professor, Grado Faculty Fellow | bansal@vt.edu
Bio ItemPeter Beling , bio
Professor | beling@vt.edu
Bio ItemEsra Büyüktahtakιn Toy , bio
Associate Professor | esratoy@vt.edu
Bio ItemKathleen Carper , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor | kcarper@vt.edu
Bio ItemXi Chen , bio
Associate Professor | xchen.ise@vt.edu
Bio ItemNatalie Cherbaka , bio
Undergraduate Program Director, Collegiate Professor | cherbaka@vt.edu
Bio ItemKelsey Coleman , bio
Associate Professor of Practice | kelseycoleman@vt.edu
Bio ItemDeborah E. Dickerson , bio
Associate Professor | debdickerson@vt.edu
Bio ItemKimberly P. Ellis , bio
Associate Professor | kpellis@vt.edu
Bio ItemJoseph L. Gabbard , bio
Professor, Grado Faculty Fellow | jgabbard@vt.edu
Bio ItemNavid Ghaffarzadegan , bio
Associate Professor | navidg@vt.edu
Bio ItemJoseph Godfrey , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor, MEA Program Director | j.godfrey@vt.edu
Bio ItemRobert Hildebrand , bio
Assistant Professor | rhil@vt.edu
Bio ItemNiyousha Hosseinichimeh , bio
Assistant Professor | niyousha@vt.edu
Bio ItemMyounghoon "Philart" Jeon , bio
Professor | myounghoonjeon@vt.edu
Bio ItemRan Jin , bio
Associate Professor | jran5@vt.edu
Bio ItemBlake N. Johnson , bio
Associate Professor, Grado Faculty Fellow | bnj@vt.edu
Bio ItemRohit Kannan , bio
Assistant Professor | rohitkannan@vt.edu
Bio ItemSajad Khodadadian , bio
Assistant Professor | sajadk@vt.edu
Bio ItemSunwook Kim , bio
Research Associate Professor | sunwook@vt.edu
Bio ItemCharlie Klauer , bio
Associate Professor | cklauer@vtti.vt.edu
Bio ItemBrian M. Kleiner , bio
Professor | bkleiner@vt.edu
Bio ItemZhenyu "James" Kong , bio
Ralph H. Bogle Professor | zkong@vt.edu
Bio ItemAndrea L'Afflitto , bio
Associate Professor | a.lafflitto@vt.edu
Bio ItemNathan Lau , bio
Associate Professor | nathan.lau@vt.edu
Bio ItemKichol Lee , bio
Research Assistant Professor | kichol@vt.edu
Bio ItemSol Lim , bio
Assistant Professor | sol@vt.edu
Bio ItemMichael L. Madigan , bio
Professor | mlm@vt.edu
Bio ItemWin Nguyen , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor; Associate Director, Learning Factory | winn@vt.edu
Bio ItemMaury A. Nussbaum , bio
HG Prillaman Professor, Assistant Department Head, Grado Faculty Fellow, and Graduate Program Director, CPE | nussbaum@vt.edu
Bio ItemRafael Patrick , bio
Assistant Professor | rncp@vt.edu
Bio ItemPrahalada Rao , bio
Associate Professor | prahalad@vt.edu
Bio ItemSubhash C. Sarin , bio
Paul T. Norton Endowed Professor | sarins@vt.edu
Bio ItemLaura Savage , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor | laura.savage@vt.edu
Bio ItemJohn P. Shewchuk , bio
Associate Professor, Associate Department Head | shewchuk@vt.edu
Bio ItemTao Sun , bio
Research Associate Professor, CCAM Fellow | taosunise@vt.edu
Bio ItemG. Don Taylor , bio
Executive Vice Provost and Charles O. Gordon Professor | don.taylor@vt.edu
Bio ItemTaylan G. Topcu , bio
Assistant Professor, M.S. in Systems Engineering Program Director | ttopcu@vt.edu
Bio ItemKonstantinos P. Triantis , bio
John Lawrence Professor | triantis@vt.edu
Bio ItemSait Tunc , bio
Assistant Professor | sait.tunc@vt.edu
Bio ItemEileen M. Van Aken , bio
Professor and Department Head | evanaken@vt.edu
Bio ItemHuaiyang Zhong , bio
Assistant Professor | hzhong@vt.edu
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