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Textbooks for ISE courses in Spring 2025 semester

Posted on January 21, 2025

  • The correct textbook status (REQUIRED, Recommended) is posted on this page. The status on the VT University Bookstore website may not be accurate.
  • ISE 4304 Global Issues in Industrial Management has a customized textbook. You can purchase the eBook version at the publisher's site or a paperback copy at the VT Bookstore
  • Complementary eBook or PDF versions of some textbooks are available for the following courses via the VT Library. The links are included in the respective course sections below: ISE 2024, 2804, 3614, 4264, 4984 (Rao; Tunc), 5174, 5406, 5414, 5644, 5844, 5984 (Rao; Tunc), and 6574.

Course Textbook

ISE 2004
Intro to ISE

No textbook: materials will be on CANVAS

ISE 2014
Engineering Economy

Engineering Economy (digital textbook) by Laura Savage; Top Hat; ISBN 9781778777080; REQUIRED

ISE 2024
Probability Foundations for ISE

1. Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel (8th Ed., 2021) by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann; Cengage;  ISBN 978-0357131626; REQUIRED. eBook available on

2. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (2015) by Jay Devore; Cengage; ISBN 978-1305251809; Recommended

ISE 2034
Data Mgmt for ISEs

No textbook

ISE 2214
Manuf Proc Lab

No textbook: Lab Manual will be available on CANVAS

ISE 2404

No textbook: materials will be on CANVAS

ISE 2804
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

1. Systems Engineering Principles and Practice (3rd Ed., 2020) by Alexander Kossiakoff, Samuel J. Seymour, David A. Flanigan, Steven M. Biemer; Wiley; ISBN 9781119516668; REQUIRED. eBook via VT Library.

2. INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (4th Ed., 2023) by INCOSE; Wiley; ISBN 9781119814290. Recommended

Course Textbook

ISE 3004
Ind Cost Control

1. MyLab Accounting (online access) by Horngren, Schatzberg, Burgstahler, Sundem; Pearson; REQUIRED

ISBN for: MyLab Accounting access only (no textbook) 978-0133059243; with eText 978-0133059229; with Student Value loose-leaf edition 978-0133059762; with hardcover 978-0133059748.

2. Introduction to Management Accounting (16th Ed., 2014) by Horngren, Schatzberg, Burgstahler, Sundem; Pearson; Recommended

ISBN for: eText 978-0133423839; Student Value loose-leaf edition 978-0133058819; Hardcover 978-0133058789.

ISE 3034
Technical Communication for Engineers

Technical Communication (12th Ed., 2017) by Mike Markel, Stuart A. Selber; Bedford/St. Martin's Publisher; ISBN 978-1319058616; REQUIRED

ISE 3424
Discrete-Event Computer Simulation

No textbook: course materials will be uploaded to CANVAS.

ISE 3614
Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics

1. Designing for people: An introduction to human factors engineering (3rd Ed., 2017) by Lee, Wickens, Liu, Boyle; CreateSpace; ISBN 978-1539808008; REQUIRED

2. The design of everyday things (Revised and expanded edition, 2013) by Norman; Basic Books; ISBN 978-0465050659; REQUIRED. eBook via VT Library.

ISE 3624
Industrial Ergonomics

No textbook: materials will be available on CANVAS

Course Textbook

ISE 4006
Proj Mgmt & Sys design II

No textbook

ISE 4204

1. Production and Operations Analysis (8th Ed., 2021) by Steven Nahmias, Tava Lennon Olsen; Waveland Press; ISBN 978-1478639268; Recommended

2. The Goal (30th Ed., 2014) by Eliyahu Goldratt, Jeff Cox; North River Press, Inc.; ISBN 978-0884271956; Recommended

ISE 4264
Industrial Automation

No textbook

ISE 4304
Global Issues in Industrial Mgmt

Global Issues in Industrial Management (custom textbook) by N. Ghaffarzadegan; McGraw Hill Education Create; REQUIRED

ISBN 979-8219044816 for eBook version at the publisher's website.

ISE 4804
System Dynamics Modeling of Industrial Systems

Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (2000) by John D. Sterman; McGraw-Hill; ISBN 978-0072389159; textbook is REQUIRED, but CD is not required

ISE 4984
Ind Internet Smart Mfg (by Jin)

Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things: Create a powerful Industrial IoT infrastructure using Industry 4.0 (2018) by Veneri, G. and Capasso, A.; Packt Publishing; ISBN 978-1789537222. REQUIRED.

ISE 4984
Reinforcement Learning for ISEs (by Khodadadian)

1. Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (4th Ed., 2012) by Dimitri Bertsekas; Athena Scientific; ISBN 9781886529083; Reccomended.

2. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd Ed., 2018) by Richard Sutton, Andrew Barto; Bradford Books; ISBN 9780262039246; Recommended.

ISE 4984
Metal Additive Mfg (by Rao)

Reference book:

Additive Manufacturing with Metals (2023) by Sanjay Joshi , Richard P. Martukanitz , Abdalla R. Nassar , Pan Michaleris; Springer, ISBN 9783031370687. Publisher's page via VT Library

ISE 4984
Game Theory (by Tunc)

Reference books:

1. Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict (1997) by Roger B. Myerson; Harvard University Press; ISBN 978-0674341166.

2. Algorithmic Game Theory (2007) by Noam Nisan, Tim Roughgarden, Eva Tardos, Vijay Vazirani; Cambridge University Press; ISBN 978-0521872829.

3. Game Theory (MIT Press, 1991) by Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole; MIT; ISBN 978-0262061414; eBook via VT Library.

ISE 4984
Digital Engineering (by Wach)

No textbook

Course Textbook

ISE 5016
Mgmt Change, Innov & Prf II

No Textbook.

ISE 5054
Engineering Discourse

1. Essential Writing Skills for College and Beyond (2014) by C. Gill; Penguin; ISBN 978-1599637594; REQUIRED

2. Better Presentations (2016) by J. Schwabish; Columbia University Press; ISBN 978-0231175210; REQUIRED

3. The craft of research (Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing) (4th Ed., 2016) by W. C. Booth, G. G. Colomb, & J. M.  Williams; University of Chicago Press; ISBN 978-0226239736; Recommended

ISE 5114
Case Studies in IE

No Textbook

ISE 5134
Mgmt Info Systems

Business Driven Technology (10th Ed., 2024) by Page Balzan; McGraw-Hill; ISBN 9781266609077; REQUIRED

ISE 5174
Eng. Program and Project Mgmt

1. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (13th Ed., 2022) by Harold Kerzner; Wiley; ISBN 9781119805373; REQUIRED; eBook via VT Library

2. Project Management Case studies (6th Ed., 2022) by Harold Kerzner: Wiley; ISBN 9781119822042; REQUIRED. eBook via VT Library.

ISE 5406
Optimization II

Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms (3rd Ed., 2006) by Bazaraa, Sherali, Shetty; Wiley; ISBN 978-0471486008; REQUIRED; eBook via VT Library

ISE 5414
Random Processes

Introduction to Probability Models (12th Ed., 2019) by Sheldon Ross; Elsevier; ISBN 978-0128143469; Recommended. eBook via VT Library

Course Textbook

ISE 5454
Prod Plan & Control

No textbook: materials will be uploaded to CANVAS.

ISE 5624
HF Research  Design

No textbook

ISE 5644
Hum Aud & AD Des

The Noist Manual (6th Ed., 2021) by Elliott H. Berger, Larry H. Royster, Julia D. Royster, Dennis P. Driscoll, and Marty Layne; American Industrial Hygiene Association; ISBN 9781950286072; REQUIRED; eBook via VT Library.

ISE 5674
Sys Safety Analysis

No textbook

ISE 5834
Data Analy for Engr

Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools (3rd Ed., 2014) by Robert T. Clemen, Terence Reilly; Cengage; ISBN 9780538797573; Recommended.

ISE 5844
Healthcare Sys Engr & Mod

Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (8th Ed., 2021) by Leiyu Shi, Douglas A. Singh; Jones & Bartlett Learning; ISBN 978-1284224610; REQUIRED. eBook via VT Library

ISE 5874
Digital Engineering

No textbook

ISE 5984
Ind Internet Smart Mfg (by Jin)

Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things: Create a powerful Industrial IoT infrastructure using Industry 4.0 (2018) by Veneri, G. and Capasso, A.; Packt Publishing; ISBN 978-1789537222. REQUIRED.

ISE 5984
Reinforcement Learning for ISEs (by Khodadadian)

1. Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (4th Ed., 2012) by Dimitri Bertsekas; Athena Scientific; ISBN 9781886529083; Reccomended.

2. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd Ed., 2018) by Richard Sutton, Andrew Barto; Bradford Books; ISBN 9780262039246; Recommended.

ISE 5984
Metal Additive Mfg (by Rao)

Reference book:

Additive Manufacturing with Metals (2023) by Sanjay Joshi , Richard P. Martukanitz , Abdalla R. Nassar , Pan Michaleris; Springer, ISBN 9783031370687. Publisher's page via VT Library

ISE 5984
Game Theory (by Tunc)

Reference books:

1. Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict (1997) by Roger B. Myerson; Harvard University Press; ISBN 978-0674341166.

2. Algorithmic Game Theory (2007) by Noam Nisan, Tim Roughgarden, Eva Tardos, Vijay Vazirani; Cambridge University Press; ISBN 978-0521872829.

3. Game Theory (MIT Press, 1991) by Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole; MIT; ISBN 978-0262061414; eBook via VT Library.

Course Textbook

ISE 6024
Adv. Topics in Mgmt Systems

Data Envelopment Analysis: A Comprehensive Text with Models, Applications, References and DEA-Solver Software (2nd Ed., 2007); Springer; ISBN 9780387452814 (hard cover), 9781489978790 (soft cover); Recommended

ISE 6454
Stoch & Robust Opt

No textbook: course materials will be uploaded to CANVAS.

ISE 6574
Adaptive Control Systems

1. Robust and Adaptive Control: With Aerospace Applications (2013) by Eugene Lavretsky; Springer; ISBN 978-1447143956; Recommended; Download book PDF

2. Nonlinear Systems (3rd Ed., 2001) by Hassan K. Khalil; Pearson; ISBN 978-0130673893; Recommended

ISE 6614
Human Computer Systems

No textbook

ENGR 5204
Systems Eng Projects

1. The Bionic Enterprise: Architecting the Intelligent Society of the Future: Transformation Leader Guide (2022) by Kevin Brett; Independently published; ISBN 979-8360293484, REQUIRED. Available for purchase at Amazon.

2. Systems Engineering and Analysis (5th Ed., 2011) by Blanchard and Fabrycky; Pearson; ISBN 978-0132217354; Recommended