Subhash C. Sarin
Subhash C. Sarin

(MC 0118)
1185 Perry Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Research Areas
Main Area: Operations Research
- Production scheduling, planning, and control
- Applied mathematical programming
- Design and mathematical analysis of manufacturing systems
Research Accomplishments
Contributions in production scheduling, sequencing, applied mathematical programming, and in analyzing and designing algorithms for the operational control of manufacturing systems.
- Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1978
- M.S., Kansas State University, 1973
- BSc., Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University, 1970
- Production Planning and Control
- Sequencing and Scheduling
- Dynamic Programming
- Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing
Please click a title to view the abstract.
Cheng, M., Sarin, S. C., and Sing, S. “Two-stage, single-lot, lot streaming problem for a 1+2 hybrid flow shop.” Journal of Global Optimization, pp. 1-28. 2015.
Sarin, S. C., H. D. Sherali, J. D. Judd, and P. F. Tsai, “Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with and without Precedence Constraints: Performance Comparison of Alternate Formulations,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 51, pp. 64-89. 2014.
Sarin, S. C., H. D. Sherali, and L. Liao, “Minimizing Conditional-Value-at-Risk for Stochastic Scheduling,” Journal of Scheduling, Vol. 14, pp. 5-15, 2014.
Sarin, S. C., H. D. Sherali, and L. Liao, “Primary Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Scheduling Problem,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 46, Issue 12, pp. 1298-1314, 2014.
Sarin, S. C., H. D. Sherali, and S. K. Kim, “A Branch-and-Price Approach for the Stochastic Generalized Assignment Problem,” Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 61, Issue 2, pp. 131-143, 2014.
Sarin, S. C., L. Wang and M. Cheng, “A Single-Machine, Single-Wafer-Processing-Technology, Multiple-Lots-Per-Carrier-Scheduling Problem to Minimize the Sum of Lot Completion Times,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1411-1418, 2012.
Sarin, S. C., H. D. Sherali, and L. Yao, “New Formulation for the High Multiplicity Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem-Models and Applications,” Optimization Letters, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 259-272, 2011.
Sarin, S. C., L. Yao, and D. Trietsch, “Single-batch Lot Streaming in a Two-Stage Assembly System,” International Journal of Planning and Scheduling, Vol. 1, No.1/2, pp. 90-108, 2011.
Sarin, S. C., Y. Wang and A. Varadarajan, “A University-Timetabling Problem and its solution using Benders’ Partitioning—A Case Study,” Journal of Scheduling, Vol. 13, pp. 131-141, 2010.
Sarin, S. C., H. D. Sherali and A. Bhootra, “A Precedence-Constrained Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Model for Disassembly Optimization,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 223-232, 2006.
Sherali, H. D., S. C. Sarin and P. Tsai, “A Class of Lifted Path and Flow-based Formulations for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with and without Precedence Constraints,” Discrete Optimization, Vol. 3, pp. 20-32, 2006.
Kalir, A. A. and S. C. Sarin, “Optimal Solutions for the Single Batch Flow Shop Lot Streaming Problem with Equal Sublots,” Decision Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp 387-397, Spring 2001.
- "Mid-Atlantic Biomass sorghum Collaborative" (USDA)
- "Biomass Alliance for Logistics Efficiency and Specifications" (DOE)
- "Research Experience for Teachers: Innovation-based Manufacturing" (NSF)
- "Design and Implementation of Dex Truck Parts' Refurbishment and Disassembly Lines" (US Department of Commerce)
- "Novel Modeling and Analytical Approaches for Primary Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Scheduling" (NSF)
- "Disassembly Optimization" (NSF and Center for High Performance Manufacturing (CHPM)
- "Design of Microelectronics Devices, Processes and Manufacturing Operations" (NSF)
- Invited to become an area editor of Production Planning and Scheduling, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2000.
- Invited to be a Co-Editor of a special issue on Scheduling and Logistics, Institute of Industrial Engineering Transactions by Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1992.
- Invited to become an Associate Editor of the Institute of Industrial Engineering Transactions, 1992-97.
- Invited to become a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Production Planning and Control, 1988-2008.
- Recipient of Virginia Tech College of Engineering Dean's Award for Excellence in Research, 2017.
- Recipient of Best Paper Award, 10th ISDSI Conference held in Nashik, India, December 28-30, 2016.
- Recipient of Distinguished Service Award, 10th ISDSI Conference held in Nashik, India, December 28-30, 2016.
- Keynote Speaker, Emerging Trends in Production Planning and Control, International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India, December 9-10, 2016.
- Recipient of Best Application Paper in IIE Transactions Focus issue on Scheduling and Logistics, 2016 (with Hanif Sherali and Lingrui Liao).
- Recipient of Best Paper Award, 9th ISDSI Conference held in Goa, India, January 2-4, 2016.
- Recipient of Institute of Industrial Engineers David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award for significant contributions to the advancement of the industrial engineering profession through outstanding research activity, 2015 (the highest research award given by the Institute.)
- Recipient of Best Paper Award, 8th ISDSI Conference held in Pune, India, 2015.
- Recipient of Best Paper Award, IFAC MIM ’13 Conference held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.
- Recipient of Alumni Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising, Virginia Tech, 2013 (the highest graduate advising award given by Virginia Tech.).
- Invited by the King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, as an expert in Manufacturing Systems Engineering to visit various academic units in Thailand and give talks, 2005.
- Recognized by the Office of the Vice President of Research as the Virginia Tech Scholar of the Week, July 26 - August 2, 2004.
- Recipient of Institute of Industrial Engineers Albert Holzman Distinguished Educator Award for outstanding contributions to the industrial engineering profession through teaching, research and publication, 2000.
- Recipient of Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Virginia Tech, 1999.
- Selected a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1999.
- Recipient of the Pletta Award, as the 1998 Virginia's Engineering Educator of the Year.
- Invited to give a keynote address at the 5th International Conference on Production Engineering and Design for Development, held in Cairo, Egypt, 1998.
- Recipient of Sporn Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1996-97.
Dr. Subhash Sarin’s solution to “Traveling salesman” problem featured in ISE Magazine (January 2018)
Fangzhou Sun and Joseph Cochran Won 2017 IISE Student Case Competition (May 2017)
Three ISE Faculty honored 2017 Dean’s Awards for Excellence (May 2017)
Dr. Subhash Sarin awarded 3-year research fund by USDA/DOE (August 2016)
Dr. Subhash Sarin won Best Paper Award at ISDSI International Conference (February 2016)
Drs. Subhash Sarin and Daniel Steeneck received Best Paper Award (September 2015)
Three ISE professors and three students won IIE Awards (August 2015)
Subhash Sarin honored with 2013 Alumni Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising (April 2013)
New scheduling tool aids in manufacturing productivity (August 2005)
Engineer develops DynaPro, a production planning tool (July 2005)
Virginia Tech students team up with French students to assist area industry (March 2004)
Subhash Sarin appointed to endowed professorship at Virginia Tech (December 2003)
Recognized by the Virginia Tech Research Division on WVTF for research contributions toward the effective operational control of the electronics/microelectronics manufacturing facilities (April 22, 2002)
1997 Sporn Award for Teaching Undergraduate Engineering Subjects: Subhash Sarin (1997)