Ran Jin
Ran Jin

(MC 0118)
1145 Perry Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Data Science and Visualization Lab Curriculum Vitae
ResearchGate Google Scholar
Research Areas
Main Area: Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- System Informatics and Control in Industrial Engineering
Integration of data mining methods with engineering knowledge for enhanced statistical modeling, analysis, and control of complex systems - Quality Engineering in Manufacturing Scale-up
System identification, ensemble modeling, and variation reduction through process tuning and optimization - Sensing, Modeling and Process Optimization based on High Definition Profile Data
Efficient sensing strategy to select representatives for high definition profile modeling, integration of engineering model and statistical methods in high definition profile characterization, modeling, defect detection, and optimization
- Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2011
- M.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2009
- M.S., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2007
- B.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2005
- Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2019 - present
- Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2011 - 2019
- Director, Data Science and Visualization Lab, Virginia Tech, 2015 - present
- ISE 3214: Facilities Planning and Material Handling
- ISE 4414: Industrial Quality Control
- ISE 5204: Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- ISE 5984: Data Analytics for Manufacturing and Biomedical Systems
- ISE 6284: System Informatics in Manufacturing and Service Systems
- PI, “Crystal Growing Furnace Process Monitoring and Root Cause Diagnosis,” JSME Co. Ltd., 2012-2013.
- PI, “An Integrated Modeling Framework for Thermal Spray Processes,” Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing, 2013-2014, Co-PI: Dr. Xinwei Deng.
- PI, “Ensemble Modeling for Continuous Fiber Manufacturing”, Jiyi Technology Co. Ltd., 2013-2014, Co-PI: Dr. Xinwei Deng.
- PI, “Collaborative Research: Experimental Design and Analysis of Quantitative-Qualitative Responses in Manufacturing and Biomedical Systems,” National Science Foundation, 2014-2017, Co-PI: Dr. Xinwei Deng (Virginia Tech), PI at Illinois Institute of Technology: Dr. Lulu Kang.
- Co-PI, “GOALI: Online Defect Detection and Mitigation Method for Incipient Anomalies in Additive Manufacturing Processes,” National Science Foundation, 2014-2017, PI: Dr. Zhenyu Kong, Co-PIs: Dr. Jaime Camelio, Dr. Chris Williams.
- Co-PI, “Empirical Model Validation for Thermal Spray Coating Processes,” Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing, 2014-2015, PI: Dr. Xinwei Deng
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- Jin, R., Li, J. and Shi, J., 2007, “Quality Prediction and Control in Rolling Processes Using Logistic Regression,” NAMRI/SME Transactions, No.35, pp. 113-120.
- Izquierdo, L., Hu, J., Du, H., Jin, R., Jee, H. and Shi, J., 2009, “Robust Fixture Layout Design for a Product Family Assembled in a Multistage Reconfigurable Line,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 131, pp. 041008.
- Zhao, H., Jin, R., Wu, S. and Shi, J., 2011, “PDE-constrained Gaussian Process Model on Material Removal Rate of Wire Saw Slicing Process,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 133, 2, pp. 021012.
- Jin, R. and Shi, J., 2012, “Reconfigured Piecewise Linear Regression Tree for Multistage Manufacturing Process Control,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 44, 4, pp. 249-261. ***Author's post-print copy
QSR Best Student Paper Award Finalist in INFORMS 2010 - Jin, R., Chang, C.J. and Shi, J., 2012, “Sequential measurement strategy for wafer geometric profile estimation,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 44, 1, pp. 1-12. ***Author's post-print copy
IIE Transactions Feature Paper, Best Applied Paper Award in IIE Transactions Quality and Reliability Engineering 2012 - Jin, R. and Liu, K., 2013, “Multimode Variation Modeling and Process Monitoring for Serial-Parallel Multistage Manufacturing Processes,” IIE Transactions, Special Issue on Integration of Manufacturing System Design and Quality Management, Vol. 45, pp. 617-629. ***Author's post-print copy
- Plumlee, M., Jin, R., Joseph, R.V. and Shi, J., 2013, “Gaussian Process Modeling for Engineered Surfaces with Applications to Si Wafer Production,” Stat, Vol. 2, pp. 159-170. ***Author's post-print copy
- Bao, L., Wang, K. and Jin, R., 2014, “A Hierarchical Model for Characterizing Spatial Wafer Variations,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, 6, pp. 1827-1842. ***Author's post-print copy
- Zhang, J., Li, W., Wang, K., and Jin, R., 2014, “Process Adjustment with an Asymmetric Quality Loss Function”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 33, 1, pp. 159-165.
- Dai, C., Wang, K. and Jin. R., 2014, “Monitoring Profile Trajectories with Dynamic Time Warping Alignment”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 30(6), pp. 815-827. ***Author's post-print copy
- Jin, R. and Deng, X., 2015, “Ensemble Modeling for Data Fusion in Manufacturing Process Scale-up”, IIE Transactions, Vol. 47(3), pp.203-214. ***Author's post-print copy
- Deng, X. and Jin, R., 2015, “QQ Models: Joint Modeling for Quantitative and Qualitative Quality Responses in Manufacturing Systems”, Technometrics, Vol. 57 (3), pp. 320-331. ***Author's post-print copy
- Xu, Z., Hong, Y. and Jin, R., 2015, “Nonlinear General Path Models for Degradation Data with Dynamic Covariates”, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Vol.32 (2), pp. 153-167.
- Sun, H., Luo, S., Jin, R. and He, Z., 2015, “A Multi-Task Lasso Model for Investigating Multi-module Design Factors, Operational Factors and Covariates in Tubular Microbial Fuel Cells”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, Vol. 3 (12), pp. 3231-3238.
- Luo, S., Sun, H., Ping, Q., Jin, R. and He, Z., 2016, “A Review of Modeling Bioelectrochemical System: Engineering and Statistical Aspects”, Energies, Vol. 9(2) pp.111. ***Author's post-print copy
- Sun, H., Deng, X., Wang, K., and Jin, R., 2016, “Logistic regression for crystal growth process modeling through hierarchical nonnegative garrote-based variable selection”, IIE Transactions, Vol. 48(8), pp. 787-796. ***Author's post-print copy
- Zang, Y., Wang, K. and Jin, R., 2016, “Unaligned Profile Monitoring using Penalized Methods”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Accepted. ***Author's post-print copy
- Tian, W., Jin, R., Huang, T., and Camelio, J., 2016, “Statistical Process Control for Multistage Processes with Non-repeating Cyclic Profiles”. IIE Transactions, Accepted. ***Author's post-print copy
- Member, Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2007 - present
- Member, Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR), Data Mining (DM), INFORMS Subdivision, 2007 - present
- Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2008 - present
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2012 - present
- Member, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2008 - present
- Board Member, Process Industry Division, IISE, 2013 - present
- Secretary, Process Industry Division, IISE, 2013 - 2014
- Co-chair of Process Industries Track, Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference 2012, 2013, 2014
- Best Applied Paper Award in IIE Transactions Quality and Reliability Engineering, 2012
- IIE Transactions Feature Paper, 2012
- QSR Best Student Paper Award Finalist, INFORMS, 2010
- Runner-up of Best Posters in the Graduate Symposium, College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008
- Forging Industry Educational & Research Foundation Scholarship, 2007
Dr. Ran Jin elected as chair-elect for INFORMS QSR section (November 2017)
Junior Faculty Awards fund research partnerships across campus (September 2017)
Scholar of the Week: Ran Jin (July 2017)
Hongyue Sun chosen as the 1st ISE Ph.D. Student of the Year (May 2017)
Dr. Ran Jin received NSF grant on manufacturing innovation research (September 2016)
Lening Wang presented to Virginia House Appropriations Committee (October 2015)
Alpha Pi Mu announced the Outstanding Faculty and GTAs (April 2015)