Robert Hildebrand
(MC 0118)
1145 Perry Street Blacksburg, VA 24061
For Prospective PhD Students: I have space in my lab for students who have strong background in Mathematics, Computer Science, or other related fields, and are interested in theory and algorithms for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, Game Theory and Optimization, Combinatorial Optimization, Complexity Theory, Coding Theory, and applications in operations research. If you are interested in working with me, please email me your resume and transcripts.
Research Areas
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, Integer Programming, Operations Research, Complexity Theory
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of California, Davis, June 2013
- Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2018 - present
- Simons Institute for Theoretical Computing, UC Berkeley, 2017
- Goldstine Fellow Postdoctoral Researcher, IBM Watson Research Center, 2015-2017
- Postdoc, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2015
- Deterministic Operations Research - ISE 2404
- Deterministic Operations Research II - ISE 3434
- Optimization II - ISE 5406
- Integer Programming - ISE 6414
- Complexity, Exactness and Rationality in Polynomial Optimization. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2021. (with D. Bienstock and A. Del Pia).
- An approximate method for the optimization of long-horizon tank blending and scheduling operations. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 141. (with L. Baptiste, B. Beach, and K. Ellis).
- Binary extended formulations of polyhedral mixed-integer sets. Mathematical Programming 170 (1), 207-236. (with S. Dash and O. Günlük).
- Sublinear Bounds for a Quantitative Doignon-Bell-Scarf Theorem, to appear Mathematics of Operations Research 2018 (with S. R. Chestnut and R. Zenklusen)
- Minimal cut-generating functions are nearly extreme, extended version, Mathematical Programming 2017 (with A. Basu and M. Molinaro)
- Mixed Integer Reformulations of Integer Programs and the Affine TU-dimension of a Matrix, Mathematical Programming 2017 (with J. Bader, R. Weismantel, and R. Zenklusen)
- Extension Complexity Lower Bounds for Mixed-Integer Extended Formulations, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2017) (with R. Weismantel and R. Zenklusen)
- Equivariant Perturbations for Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. III. Foundations for the k-Dimensional Case with Applications to k=2, Mathematical Programming A (with A. Basu, M. Koeppe)
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Mathematical Optimization Society
- Track Co-Chair, INFORMS Optimization Society, Discrete Optimization Track, 2022
- Programming Committee, Mixed Integer Programming Workshop 2021
- Programming Committee, Mixed Integer Programming Workshop 2020
- Track Chair, INFORMS Optimization Society, Discrete Optimization Track, 2020
- Associate Editor for Discrete Optimization since 2020
Dr. Hildebrand receives Air Force Office of Scientific Research - Young Investigator Program Grant for research on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (2020)
Dr. Hildebrand receives Office Of Naval Research grant for research on cutting planes in integer programming (2019)
Redistricting Analytics at Virginia Tech. Receives funding by Policy+ grant, an internal grant at Virginia Tech.
Robert Hildebrand receives 2019 Sporn Award for teaching undergraduate engineering subjects (April, 2019)
Dr. Robert Hildebrand join ISE department in Spring 2018 (February 2018)