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Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon


Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon

 Myounghoon Jeon
Philart Jeon
519D Whittemore Hall
(MC 0118)
1185 Perry Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061

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Research Areas

Main Area:  Human-Computer Interaction/ Human-Robot Interaction

  • Sound and Music Computing
  • Affective Computing
  • Assistive Technologies
  • Automotive User Interfaces
  • Aesthetic Computing
  • Ph.D., Engineering Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S., Engineering Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S., Cognitive Sciences (Cognitive Engineering), Yonsei University, South Korea
  • B.S., Psychology, Sociology, Yonsei University, South Korea
  • Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, August 2018 - Present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Michigan Tech, August 2016-August 2018
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Michigan Tech, August 2012-August 2016 
  • ISE 6624 Advanced Topics in HF: Affective Design and Computing
  • ISE 6614 Human Computer Systems
  • ISE 5654 Human Factors in System Design
  • ISE 3614 Intro to Human Factors Engineering
  • Riener, A., Jeon, M., Alvarez, I. (Eds.). (2022) User experience design in the era of automated driving, Springer, Cham.
  • Ko, S., Sanghavi, H., Zhang, Y., & Jeon, M. (2022). Modeling the effects of perceived intuitiveness and urgency of various auditory warnings on driver takeover performance in automated vehicles, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 
  • Ko, S., Kutchek, K., Zhang, Y., & Jeon, M. (2022). Effects of non-speech auditory cues on control transition behaviors in semi-automated vehicles: Empirical study, modeling, and validation. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 38(2), 185-200.
  • Nadri, C., Anaya, C., Yuan, S., & Jeon, M. (2022). From visual art to music: Sonification can adapt to painting styles and augment user experience, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  • Moon, H. S., Orr, G., & Jeon, M. (2022). Hand tracking with vibrotactile feedback enhanced presence, engagement, usability, and performance in a virtual reality rhythm game, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
  • Lee, S. C., & Jeon, M. (2022). A systematic review of functions and design features of in-vehicle agents, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 165(102864).
  • Lee, S. C., Nadri, C, Sanghavi, H., & Jeon, M. (2022). Eliciting user needs and design requirements for user experience in fully automated vehicles. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 38(3), 227-239.
  • Wang, M., Duer, Z., Hardwig, S., Lally, S., Ricard, A., & Jeon, M. (2022). Echofluid: An interface for remote choreography learning and co-creation using machine learning techniques. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Bend, Oregon, Oct 29 - Nov 2. 
  • Dam, A., Siddiqui, A., Leclercq, C., & Jeon, M. (2022). Extracting a definition and taxonomy for audio augmented reality (AAR) using grounded theory. Proceedings of the 66th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's International Annual Meeting (HFES2022), Atlanta, GA, October 10-14.
  • Wang, M., Hock, P., Lee, S. C., Baumann, M., & Jeon, M. (2022). Jarvis in the car: Report on characterizing and designing in-vehicle intelligent agents workshop. Proceedings of the 66th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's International Annual Meeting (HFES2022), Atlanta, GA, October 10-14.
  • Wang, M., Lee, S. C., Montavon, G., Qin, J., & Jeon, M. (2022). Conversational voice agents are preferred and lead to better driving performance in conditionally automated vehicles. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI’22), Seoul, Korea, September 17-20.
  • Nadri, C., Alvarez, I., Bosch, E., Oehl, M., Braun, M., Healey, J., Jallais, C., Ju., W., Li, J., & Jeon, M. (2022). Empathic vehicle design: Use cases and design directions from two workshops, Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 30-May 5.
  • Lee, Y., Wyatt, A., Dong, J., Upthegrove, T., Hale, B., Lyles, C. H., Choi, K., Kim. J., Yi, S., Vajir, D., Newbill, P., & Jeon, M. (2022). Robot musical theater for climate change education. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2022), Online (originally Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan), March 7-10.
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2017 - Present
  • Associate Editor, MIT Journal Presence: Teleoperations and Virtual Environments, 2015 - Present
  • Senior Editor, Ergonomics in Design, 2018 - Present
  • Editorial Board, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2020 - Present
  • President, International Community for Auditory Display, 2019 - 2022
  • General co-chair, International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 2022
  • Chair, Korean-American Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2021 - 2022
  • Co-chair, BIPOC Affinity Group in HFES, 2022 - Present
  • Earl Alluisi Award for Early Career Achievement, American Psychological Association (APA), Division 21 Applied Experimental & Engineering Psychology, 2022
  • Best Paper Award at the 27th ICAD Conference, Virtual, 2022 
  • ICAT Creativity + Innovation Day Audiences’ Choice Award, 2022
  • ICAT Creativity + Innovation Day Judges’ Choice Award, 2022
  • Best Video Award 3rd Place HART TG at the 65th HFES Conference, USA 2021
  • Best Paper Award at the ArtsIT Conference, Denmark, 2016 
  • Best Poster Abstract Paper Award at the 15th HCI International Conference, USA, 2013 
  • ICAD Doctoral Student Consortium “ThinkTank”, Travel Funds (NSF), USA, 2010, 2011 
  • Best Student Paper Award for the PPTG (Perception and Performance Technical Group) at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, USA, October 19-23, 2009 
  • IF Communication Design Award (Digital Media: Interface), Personal Navigation Device User Interface, Germany, 2007 
  • Korean Ergonomic Design Award, Air Conditioner UI/AUI Design, Korea, 2007