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ISE 4984 - Careers in ISE

This course, offered for Fall 2021, provides an overview of the breadth of careers and professional opportunities in the field of industrial and systems engineering. Practitioners from a variety of areas of industrial and systems engineering will share technical approaches and solutions as a practicing industrial and systems engineer, career progression, as well as leadership and entrepreneurial activities. Practitioners will represent the breadth of industrial and systems engineering (human factors/ergonomics, management systems, manufacturing, and operations research) as well as a range of industries, career paths, and organizations (including manufacturing, logistics, consulting, product/system design, healthcare, banking/finance, etc.).

Guest Speakers

Class Schedule:        
Wednesdays | 1:25-2:15 pm | Whittemore 518
Course Format:        
This 1-credit course will be an in-person class, with class sessions once per week on Wednesdays. Class information and materials will be made available through Canvas.   

This course can be used as a Free Elective; it cannot be used to satisfy the ISE Technical Elective requirement

Dr. Eileen Van Aken, Department Head, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Marty Muscatello, Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Foxguard Solutions and Qualtrax Inc.

-Please note that the list of speakers is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
-Additional speakers will be added upon confirmation.