How to Get Involved
The DreamVendor 2 3D printer, Engineering Professor Chris Williams' lab.

The Center for High Performance Manufacturing (CHPM) at Virginia Tech is seeking partners for our Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) Senior Design Projects. By becoming a partner, you will mentor a Senior Design team.
Don’t miss out on the 25% discount by signing a contract by May 15th. Contact us to learn more about this discount.
All questions answered YES----definitely
10 or more answered YES---probably
Less than 10 answered YES—let’s talk about it
None answered YES—start looking for another project
- Will my company policies allow a team of undergraduates to work on-site?
- Is an ISE solution methodology really a good way to address my problem? (e.g., lean redesign, quality improvement, modeling & simulation, methods analysis, etc.)
- Can this problem wait until August before anyone investigates potential solutions?
- Can I wait until next April before I see a final solution?
- Is the project important to our success yet not critical to the safe and effective operations of our business?
- If the team does not deliver a solution I’m happy with, can I live with that?
- Can I provide the necessary data to the team in a timely manner so that they can understand the process and identify the problem?
- Am I comfortable with a team telling me that what I think is the problem actually is not the problem?
- Will the time spent be worth the monetary investment my organization will make?
- Do I have a person I can dedicate for 2 to 3 hours per week as the main POC throughout the life of the project?
- Do I have a person I can trust to mentor the team throughout the life of the project?
- Can I hold the team accountable for real results that will help my organization?
- Will I really treat the student team members as I would other ISE professionals?
- Can I commit to attending Senior Symposium in late April?
Elite Partner - $100,000 Commitment - up to 12 teams
Partners at this level agree to mentor up to 12 project teams; attend the Senior Symposium; provide a logo and website link for display on the Senior Design website and the Senior Symposium program; provide a full size display booth at the Senior Symposium.
Premium Partner - $20,000 Commitment - up to 3 teams
Partners at this level agree to mentor three project teams; attend the Senior Symposium; provide a logo and website link for display on the Senior Design website; provide a table-top display during the Senior Symposium.
Partner - $10,000 Commitment - 1 team
Partners at this level agree to mentor one project team; attend the Senior Symposium; and, provide a logo for display on the Senior Design website.
Learning Factory Partners agree to mentor one project team in the Learning Factory. The Learning Factory, a realistically equipped production facility, provides a unique learning environment for students from various engineering majors, some receiving academic credit and others serving as volunteers. The Virginia Tech Learning Factory is an educational platform that includes traditional machining and assembly operations found on most manufacturing environments. The factory can be a perfect testbed for new technologies and the concepts related to industry 4.0.
Collaborator- $5000 Commitment (Small Business & Non Profits) - 1 team
Collaborators at this level agree to mentor one project team and attend the Senior Symposium.
ISE Senior Design Program
Hours: 8a.m. - 5p.m.
Ph: 540.231.1810
Matt Earnest, Director
Center for High Performance Manufacturing