Change "Status" and Publication dates of Journal article
Many journal articles were imported from ORCiD and Google Scholar to Elements, but some of them have an incorrect Status (Submitted, Accepted, Published). Here is how to change the Status and related publication date(s), so the journal article will be auto-imported to the correct section in an eFAR.
1. Under My scholarly & creative works category, click the title of an article.
2. Scroll down the page and click Edit record button under Data sources section.

Publications Accepted but not yet Published
- Status: Accepted
- Date accepted: enter the accepted date in 2021 (e.g., 01 Jun 2021)
- Publication date, Online publication date: remove pre-filled dates (circled in yellow below)
The article will be generated to Section TWO. III. F. Publications Accepted but not yet Published Online or in Print section in an eFAR.

Publications officially Published
- Status: Published
- Date accepted (optional)
- Publication date (required): enter the publication date in 2021 (e.g., 31 Dec 2021)
- Online publication date (optional)
The article will be generated to Section TWO. III. C. Refereed Journal Articles Published section in an eFAR.

4. Scroll down the page and click SAVE button.