Macroergonomics and Group Decision Systems Laboratory
The Macroergonomics and Group Decision Systems Laboratory, also known as the MGDSL, is dedicated to the analysis and design of work systems (Macroergonomics) with a special emphasis on function allocation in automation and system design, health and safety, performance and project management. The field of Macroergonomics is closely related to Systems Ergonomics and Human Systems Integration (HSI). Group Decision Systems or Computer-supported Collaborative Work research is focused on the design of collaborative and distributed work environments and other facets of group (2 or more people) work.
Current and past esearch is focused on:
- Augmented reality training for safety
- HAI reduction thru Macroergonomics and simulation
- Army team support
- MEAD for HAI reduction
- Distributed group support
- Industry-university partnership effectiveness
- Prevention of electrocution fatalities
The Macroergonomics and Group Decision Systems Lab is equipped with:
- One way observation control room for experiments with human participants
- Networked computer stations
- AR/VR systems
- Decision and Design support software
- Simulated Industrial, Healthcare, Construction tasks
Entrance: 567 Whittemore Hall
Labs: 563, 565, 567, 568 Whittemore Hall