Robert L. Gunter
Robert L. Gunter

Bob Gunter is senior vice president of operations at Northrop Grumman Newport News. Named to this position in 2005, he is responsible for manufacturing, planning, resource management, sourcing, supply chain management, production engineering, logistics and supplier quality, and facilities and waterfront services. He is also the president for Newport News Industrial Corp., a business unit that specializes in marine and industrial products and supplies outage services for the power generation industry
Prior to this appointment, Gunter served as senior vice president of aircraft carriers at Northrop Grumman Newport News and was responsible for aircraft carrier new construction, aircraft carrier overhaul, carrier engineering and design, and planning and production control. He also previously served as vice president of engineering, where his responsibilities included aircraft carrier and submarine engineering, research and development, and testing
Gunter is a member of the Naval Submarine League and Naval Surface Association. He currently serves on the board of directors for the Virginia Manufacturing Association and AMSEC LLC. He also serves on the Virginia Tech Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Board and the Virginia Tech College of Engineering Committee of 100. He was the past chairman of the Hampton Roads American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. In 2005 Gunter was named the Peninsula Engineer of the Year by the National Society of Professional Engineers.