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Elizabeth McCain's experience in Spain

During the 2021 winter session I was able to go to Spain for two weeks through the “Pamplin: Business, Culture, and Society in Spain” program. During this time, I spent New Years Eve in Madrid, went zip lining in Toledo, went to many museums in Barcelona, ate lots of food in Seville, and climbed Montserrat. I also got to meet with local companies and analyze the similarities and differences between how businesses run in Spain and in the United States. My favorite company that we visited was a Bull Farm that raises bulls to go into bullfighting. This was by far the most interesting company because I came out of it with a completely new perspective on bullfighting. Before, I had thought that it was an inhumane action and didn’t understand why people enjoy it so much. Afterwards, I came to understand how deeply rooted in culture it is and how it is viewed as an artform in Madrid, not as a fight. Overall, I had so many once in a lifetime experiences that I will never forget. Many of which are pictured below. 

Before the trip I wished I had known how much I was going to be pushed out of my comfort zone and how good that was going to be for me. I knew no one before going on the trip and at first, that was really scary. A new country and all new people seemed impossible; however, it made me become a more confident, outgoing person. In the beginning of the trip I sat closer to the front of the bus and didn’t say too much. At the end of the trip I was the one getting everyone to go ziplining across the river. So, if I have any advice it is to trust yourself. You are not going to know everything or exactly what to do or exactly what to eat in a new country, but just go for it! You will learn so many new things about the world and about yourself if you do.