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Textbooks for courses in Fall 2018 semester

Course Textbook Note
ISE 2004
Intro to ISE
Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering (2014); Pearson Custom Library; ISBN 978-1269773577 Textbook is "Required"
ISE 2014
Eng. Economy

1. Engineering Economy (17th Ed., 2018) by Sullivan, Wicks, Koelling; Pearson; ISBN 978-0134870069

2. MyEngineeringLab (online access) (2014) by Sullivan, Wicks, Koeling; Pearson; ISBN 978-0133455342

Textbook 1 is "Recommended," MyEngineeringLab is "Required"
ISE 2214
Manuf Proc Lab
No Textbook: course materials will be provided in class No Textbook
ISE 3414
Prob OR
Introduction to Probability Models (11th Ed., 2014) by Sheldon Ross; Elsevier; ISBN 978-9351072249
Textbook is "Required"
ISE 3434
Introduction to Mathematical Programming (4th Ed., 2002) by Winston and Venkataramanan; Thomson Learning; ISBN 0534359647 Textbook is "Required"
ISE 3614
Intro to HF Eng
Designing for People: An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering (3rd Ed., 2017) by Lee, Wickens, Liu, Boyle; CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; ISBN 978-1539808008 Textbook is "Required"
ISE 3624
Industrial Ergonomics
No Textbook No Textbook
Course Textbook Note
ISE 4004
Theory of Organization

1. The Functions of the Executive (1971) by Chester Barnard; Harvard University Press; ISBN 978-0674328037

2. The Art and Adventure of Leadership (2015) by Warren Bennis and Steven Sample; Wiley; ISBN 978-1119090311

3. Project Leadership (2003) by Timothy Kloppenborg, Arthur Shriberg, Jayshree Venkatraman; Management Concepts; ISBN 978-1567261455

All 3 books are "Required."
ISE 4005
Proj Mgmt & Sys Design I
Go to class first; Textbook available in the library as ebook. Go to class first
ISE 4015
Mgmt Sys Theo, App & Dec

1. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment (5th Ed., 2014) by Goodwin and Write; Wiley; ISNB 1118740734

2. slide:ology: The Art of Science of Creating Great Presentations (2008) by Duarte; O'Reilly; ISBN 0596522347

3. HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations (2012) by Duarte; Harvard Business Review Press; ISBN 1422187101

4. HBR Guide to Better Business Writing (2012) by Garner; Harvard Business Review Press; ISBN 978-1422184035

5. Game of Strategy (4th Ed., 2015) by Dixit, Skeath, Reiley; W. W. Norton and Company; ISBN 0393919684

Textbooks 1 to 4 are "Required"; Textbook 5 is "Go to first class before purchasing this book"
ISE 4204
Prod Plan & Inv Ctrl

1. Production and Operations Analysis (7th Ed., 2015) by Nahmias, S and T. Olsen; Waveland Press, Inc.; ISBN 978-1478623069

2. The Goal (30th Anniversary Edition, 2014) by Goldratt, E. and J. Cox; North River Press, Inc.; ISBN 978-0884271956

Both textbooks are "Required"
ISE 4424
Logistics Engr
No Textbook No Textbook
ISE 4644
Occup Safety & Haz Ctrl
Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers (8th Ed., 2014) by Goetsch; Pearson; ISBN 978-0133484178 Textbook is "Required"
Course Textbook Note
ENGR 5004
Systems Engr Proc
Applied Space Systems Engineering (2009) by Larson, Kirkpatrick, Sellers, Thomas, and Verma; McGraw Hill; ISBN 978-0073408866 Textbook is "Required"
ENGR 5104
Applied Syst Engr
Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (2000) by John Sterman; Irwin McGraw-Hill; ISBN 007231135-5
Textbook is "Required"
Course Textbook Note
ISE 5015
Mgmt Change, Innov & Prf I

1. Leading Change (2012 or older versions) by John Kotter; Harvard Business Review; ISBN 978-1422186435

2. The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization (2010 or older versions) by Peter Senge; Crown Business; ISBN 978-0385517256

3. The resilient enterprise: overcoming vulnerability for competitive advantage (2005) by Yossi Sheffi; MIT Press Books; ISBN 978-0262195379

All 3 textbooks are "Required"
ISE 5024
ISE Seminar
No Textbook in this course No Textbook
ISE 5034
Engr Prob and Stat
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (8th Ed., 2019) by Hogg, McKean, Craig; Pearson; ISBN 978-0134686998
Textbook is "Required"
ISE 5104
Operations Research
Introduction to Operations Research (10th Ed., 2014) by Hillier and Lieberman; McGraw-Hill Education; ISBN 978-0073523453 Textbook is "Required"
ISE 5124
Mgmt of Qual and Rel

1. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence (10th Ed., 2016) by Evans and Lindsay; West Publishing Company; ISBN 978-1305662544

2. Steinway and Sons (1981) by Garvin, Harvard Business School Case # 682-025

3. Hank Kolb, Director, Quality Assurance (1981) by Leonard, Harvard Business School Case # 681-083

4. 2017-2018 Baldrige Excellence Framework (link on NIST)

All 4 textbooks are "Required" and "Go to class first before purchasing this book"
ISE 5144
Perf & Prod Meas & Eval

1. Data envelopment analysis: a comprehensive text with models, applications, references, and DEA-solver software (2nd Ed., 2007) by Cooper, Seiford, Tone; Springer; ISBN 978-0387452838

2. No-Nonsense Guide to Measuring Productivity (1987) by Chew; Harvard Business School Case # 88102

3. The New Productivity Challenge (1991) by Drucker; Harvard Business School Case # 91605

4. Why Some Factories are More Productive than Others (1986) by Hayes and Clark; Harvard Business School Case # 86508

All 4 books are "Go to class first before purchasing this book"; Book 1 is "Recommended," and Books 2 to 4 are "Required"
ISE 5164
Trans & Appl Emerg Tech

1. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change (5th Ed., 2013) by Bessant and Pavitt; John Wiley & Sons; ISBN 978-1118360637

2. Willing at New Products: Creating Value Through Innovation (2017) by Cooper; Basic Books; ISBN 978-0465093328

3. Revolutionizing Product Development: Quantum Leaps in Speed, Efficiency and Quality (2011) by Wheelwright; Free Press; ISBN 978-1451676297

4. Intellectual Property Strategy (2011) by Palfrey; The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series; ISBN 978-0262516792

All 4 books are "Required"
ISE 5204
Manuf Systems Eng

1.  Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems (1993) by Askin and Standridge; John Wiley & Sons; ISBN 0471514187

2.  Stream of Variation Modeling and Analysis for Multistage Manufacturing Processes (2006) by Shi; CRC Press; ISBN 0849321514

Book 1 is "Required"; Book 2 is "Optional"
ISE 5264
Md & Anal Semicond Manuf
No Textbook Instructor will provide course documents
ISE 5405
Optimization I
No Textbook No Textbook
ISE 5424
Simulation I
Instructor will post course syllabus before semester starts, and it will have a link to the e-book check syllabus
ISE 5434
Econ Eval of Ind Proj

1. Contemporary Engineering Economics (6th Ed., 2016) by Park; Pearson/Prentice Hall; ISBN 978-0134105598

2. Managing by the Numbers (2000) by Chuck Kremer, Ron Rizzuto, John Case; Basic Books; ISBN 0738202568 

Both textbooks are "Required"
ISE 5604
Human Info Proc
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance (4th Ed, 2012) by Wickens and Hollands; New York, NY: Psychology Press; ISBN 978-0205021987
Textbook is "Required"
ISE 5605
Human Factors Sys Des
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (4th Ed., 2012) by Salvendy; Wiley; ISBN 978-0470528389 Textbook is "Required"
ISE 5614
Human Physical Capab
Occupational Biomechanics (4th Ed., 2006) by Chaffin, Anderson, Martin; Wiley; ISBN 978-0471723431 Textbook is "Recommended"
ISE 5734
Occup Health Safety Practicum
No Textbook in this course No Textbook
ISE 5984
Dec Analy for Eng

1. Foundations of Decision Analysis (2015) by Howard and Abbas; Prentice Hall; ISBN 9780132336246

2. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2007) by Gladwell, Back Bay Books; ISBN 978-0316010665

Both textbooks are "Required"
ISE 5984
Large-Scale Stoch Lin Opt
Introduction to Stochastic Programming (2nd Ed., 2011) by John R. Birge and Francois Louveaux; Springer-Verlag; ISBN 978-1461402374
E-book is available via VT Library (login may be required)
Textbook is "Required"
ISE 6514
Adv Tpc in Math Programming
Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization (Fall 2013) by Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi Nemirovski. Link to the textbook (PDF, 590 pages)
Free textbook
ISE 6984
Additive Biomanufacturing
No Textbook; course materials will be provided by the instructor No Textbook